Web App & Native App
Technology that works for your team.
- Download native iOS or Android Apps
- Alternative web view
- Low data usage & lightweight to ensure your team will use
- Push Notifications of tasks, changes to schedules
- Realtime in-field feedback for your team
Two-Way In-Field Communication
Receive live updates from the staff in-field & easily communicate task changes.
- Gain live insights from in-field team, including task status & issue reporting
- Notify in-field team of any task changes instantly
- Instant reporting of issues in-property
- Cleaner check list app

Quality Cleans Every Time
Ensure a consistency across your properties with rich information for cleaning teams.
- Cleaning checklist to ensure consistent standard
Ability to add images & guides for cleaning tasks
Add time guides to specific tasks
Train new team members with additional information
Add inspection task before clean status is amended
Claimable Tasks
Optimise cleaner schedules with the ability to claim additional tasks in-field.
Set up a task to be claimable by team
Increase efficiency across cleaning teams
Ability to claim tasks whilst in-field with no need to communicate with office
Live task updates in dashboard

Cleaning & Maintenance Cost Tracking
Reduce admin with instant cost tracking from in-field teams
Empower teams to track parts & labor costs in any task
Customise task cost setting for outsourced work force
Instantly receive cost tracking reports

Vacation Rental Property Care
Automate housekeeping & maintenance tasks linked to bookings and auto-assign your in-field teams to tasks.
Put your operations on autopilot.